An Introduction to the U.S. FDA’s Investigational Device Exemption (IDE): A GCMI Webinar

Learn from our experience to streamline your regulatory pathway and set your new medical device or technology up for commercialization success.   Investigational Device Exemptions are required by the U.S. FDA for devices or technologies that require clinical use before regulatory approval or general market release. Examples of devices that may require an IDE study…

Faculty Researchers and Innovators: What you need to know about IRBs and the medtech innovation process – Insights & Recording

New medical technologies or devices cannot enter stages of research or clinical trials in humans without certain authorizations required by regulatory agencies responsible for safety and efficacy. As far as those regulatory bodies are concerned, the path to clinical trials in humans is the same whether it’s research or commercial driven. Failing to walk that…

Demand, Logistics, Technologies and Lifecycle Services: The State of Bioskills Training and Education

Since the first quarter of 2020 the demand for virtual bioskills training and education programs for medical technologies has skyrocketed . Teams leaned on virtual engagement technologies, dedicated lab staff, and proctors onsite, to deliver the training and education required to learn how to safely employ new technologies, products and techniques. At the importance of…

The State of Preclinical Studies: A Q&A with GCMI’s Director of Scientific Affairs Evan Goldberg

Our lives, personal and professional, bear little resemblance to those we led at the beginning of 2020. Remarkably, in February 2021, U.S. FDA announced the agency “approved, cleared, or authorized a record high of 132 novel medical devices in 2020, surpassing the 40-year high mark we set in 2018 and capping off 10 years of…

Increasing Availability of Lateral Access Spinal Surgery Training: GT Spring ’21 Capstone “Vertebros”

“Our validation work would not have been possible without GCMI’s support and T3 Labs’ facility and equipment. Being ‘radio-opaque’ is a critical design input for this tool. That type of feedback is impossible without a proper operating room environment.”

Why GCMI for preclinical testing and bioskills training? Commitment to value.

We know preclinical testing is a substantial commitment of time and treasure for medtech and life science innovators. We also know the most expensive study is the one you have to do twice.   Our response to your request for preclinical work may not be the lowest bottom line price. But please know this: all…

Why GCMI for preclinical testing and bioskills training? Our scientific acumen.

At GCMI and our preclinical testing arm T3 Labs, we take great pride in our scientific acumen. After all, the organization was conceived and designed by translational researchers for medical product developers. Thirst for science: it’s in our DNA.    We won’t turn your project away because it’s too hard, or because we haven’t done…

Why GCMI for preclinical testing and bioskills training? Quality, compliance and accreditation.

At GCMI, we strive to provide the highest quality data for our preclinical sponsors and customers.   GCMI is committed to working with innovators to test medical technologies and therapeutics that consistently meet customer needs and regulatory requirements. We maintain Quality Management Systems to ensure compliance and ongoing quality of our deliverables, products and services.…

Why GCMI for preclinical or bioskills training? Collaborative accountability.

In this era of consolidation, the dwindling number of preclinical CROs often aren’t interested in developing new models or venturing outside of their well established protocols.   Why choose GCMI for your preclinical testing needs? We are collaborative and accountable. We are committed to meeting your needs on your timeline and on your budget.  …

Why GCMI for your preclinical or bioskills programs? Flexibility.

As the preclinical CRO industry consolidates, creativity and flexibility suffer. GCMI and our preclinical arm, T3 Labs, works around your needs, around you and your surgeons’ availability, not the other way around. We work beyond the bankers hours because we know time is of the essence, deadlines must be met and your innovation is not…