Avoiding pitfalls and implementing strategies early for success in medtech manufacturing

A webinar with GCMI and the Georgia Manufacturing Extension Partnership, June 25, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. EDST When – at long last – it comes time to build your new medical device, be that for verification and validation testing, show and tell or educational examples, clinical trials or “full scale,” you will always wish you…

Partner Event to Consider: Health Connect South’s 2022 Annual Gathering

Our colleagues at Health Connect South are in the final stages of preparing for their 2022 Gathering on September 22nd at the Georgia Aquarium.   “Though the Southeast is home to world-class health assets, there is surprisingly little interdisciplinary clarity around areas of focus, impact, needs and capacity within and among our health assets. We…

Orthopaedic Innovators: Do Not Underestimate the Importance of Process in “Medtech Innovation: From Unmet Clinical Needs to Clinical Solutions”

Join GCMI’s Dr. Emily Blum, Evan Goldberg, PhD and John Tipton for an ORS Innovation Network Webinar August 31, 2022   “For over 60 years, the Orthopedic Research Society (ORS) has been the leading research society supporting engineers, orthopaedic surgeons, biologists, veterinarians, and clinicians in pursuit of a world without musculoskeletal limitations.”   GCMI and…

Rooted in Cardiology: Let’s talk preclinical and cardio innovation at TCT 2022

Founded by Cardiologists In the late 1990s, Dr. Robert Matheny, Chief Scientific Officer of CorMatrix Cardiovascular Inc., was looking for accessible resources, including preclinical support, needed to support innovation in care for cardiovascular physicians and their patients.   In 1999, his collaboration with other Atlanta area interventional cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons resulted in the development…

Are you a life science innovator seeking funding in the next 12 months? Applications are open for PitchRounds at AdvanSE 2022.

Our colleagues at Southeast Life Sciences are now accepting applications for Pitchrounds at AdvanSE 2022.   They’re seeking the southeast’s most promising life science innovators across multiple life science categories including biopharma, medtech, diagnostic, digital health and agriculture biotechnology technologies.   Along with Southeast Life Sciences, we encourage those seeking early rounds of six figures…

An Introduction to the U.S. FDA’s Investigational Device Exemption (IDE): A GCMI Webinar

Learn from our experience to streamline your regulatory pathway and set your new medical device or technology up for commercialization success.   Investigational Device Exemptions are required by the U.S. FDA for devices or technologies that require clinical use before regulatory approval or general market release. Examples of devices that may require an IDE study…

Faculty Researchers and Innovators: Medtech Innovation does not work like any other form of innovation. What you need to know about IRBs and the medtech innovation process; a GCMI webinar.

Join us as we walk through the required steps of medtech innovation and, more importantly, why they’re required for academic researchers and innovators with ideas or technologies that could improve healthcare provision, save or improve lives.

How do you know you are ready for preclinical work? Join us for a free webinar on January 14.

Preclinical evaluations are often the best way to assess a medical product’s performance, and regulatory bodies often require preclinical data in product submissions.  But this type of work is also expensive. The most effective product development strategies use preclinical studies wisely. The most expensive preclinical study is the one you have to repeat.   How…

Webcast Oct 21., 12pm: Building a foundation for growth: How Georgia Tech “born” Jackson Medical used Phase Zero to try to end “never events” in the operating room.

Overheating lighting instruments coupled with human error are a leading cause of intraoperative fires and patient burns. The healthcare system refers to these as “never events” so they should never happen, right? But, data suggests that they occur more than twice a day. This was a red flag for Jackson Medical co-founders James Rains and…