What high value preclinical support looks like when re-expressing pacemaking cells for cardiac arrhythmia in pediatrics

“Our confidence in data generated by our in vivo studies with T3 Labs cannot be greater.” – Dr. Hee Cheol Cho   The Preclinical Challenge Dr. Hee Cheol Cho and his team needed sufficient feasibility data from physiologically appropriate preclinical studies to pursue public funding opportunities to complete their translational research for a life changing…

Spotlight: Regenerating Pacemaking Cells for Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias with Dr. Hee Cheol Cho

Preclinical proficiency and Georgia ‘medtech’ ecosystem assets yield data needed for follow-on, translational funding   The Problem – When Nature Doesn’t Give Us the ‘Pacemaking’ Cells We Need at Birth   Sometimes nature does not provide enough of the human heart’s own, rare and precious, ‘pacemaking cells’. When this occurs, at any stage of life,…

Faculty Researchers and Innovators: What you need to know about IRBs and the medtech innovation process – Insights & Recording

New medical technologies or devices cannot enter stages of research or clinical trials in humans without certain authorizations required by regulatory agencies responsible for safety and efficacy. As far as those regulatory bodies are concerned, the path to clinical trials in humans is the same whether it’s research or commercial driven. Failing to walk that…

Demand, Logistics, Technologies and Lifecycle Services: The State of Bioskills Training and Education

Since the first quarter of 2020 the demand for virtual bioskills training and education programs for medical technologies has skyrocketed . Teams leaned on virtual engagement technologies, dedicated lab staff, and proctors onsite, to deliver the training and education required to learn how to safely employ new technologies, products and techniques. At the importance of…

GCMI Capstone Support Spotlight: The Hemogoblins: Extending the Shelf Life of Cold Stored Whole Blood

According to the American Red Cross, every two seconds someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion. That fails to take into account injuries sustained by troops in war zones or others needing the precious resource in corners of the world that can take days or weeks to reach.   Yet currently, whole blood…

From Capstone through CREATE-X and on to the precipice of commercialization: Ethos Medical’s medtech journey for its novel spinal guidance system

In 2018, GCMI chronicled one Georgia Tech Capstone team’s effort to end complications from epidural misplacement.   Fast forward more than three years and the promising product dubbed Neuraline has evolved to become a new medtech startup: Ethos Medical. The Ethos team leveraged the supporting elements and mentors within the Georgia Tech CREATE-X program—with assistance…

The State of Preclinical Studies: A Q&A with GCMI’s Director of Scientific Affairs Evan Goldberg

Our lives, personal and professional, bear little resemblance to those we led at the beginning of 2020. Remarkably, in February 2021, U.S. FDA announced the agency “approved, cleared, or authorized a record high of 132 novel medical devices in 2020, surpassing the 40-year high mark we set in 2018 and capping off 10 years of…

Family ties to clinical care professionals drive the Fluid Fighters’ to help solve a painful problem for paracentesis.

The Fluid Fighters Capstone team needed to test their prototype for draining rates and tissue adherence or occlusion avoidance. GCMI’s preclinical testing and bioskills training arm T3 Labs provided the facility and resources the team needed to complete the task.

Fast tracking a fix for intraoperative alignment in surgery to correct severe scoliosis: Meet Spring 2021 Capstone Design Team ScolAlign

Yoel Alperin, Parth Gami, Sindhu Kannappan and Kelly Qiu comprise the Georgia Tech Spring 2021 Capstone Design Team ScolAlign. Their technology seeks to objectively improve the standard of care for intraoperative spinal alignment during scoliosis correction surgery.

Increasing Availability of Lateral Access Spinal Surgery Training: GT Spring ’21 Capstone “Vertebros”

“Our validation work would not have been possible without GCMI’s support and T3 Labs’ facility and equipment. Being ‘radio-opaque’ is a critical design input for this tool. That type of feedback is impossible without a proper operating room environment.”