Webcast Oct 21., 12pm: Building a foundation for growth: How Georgia Tech “born” Jackson Medical used Phase Zero to try to end “never events” in the operating room.

Overheating lighting instruments coupled with human error are a leading cause of intraoperative fires and patient burns. The healthcare system refers to these as “never events” so they should never happen, right? But, data suggests that they occur more than twice a day. This was a red flag for Jackson Medical co-founders James Rains and…

GCMI’s Design and Development Process Phase 5: Transfer to Production

At the end of verification and validation, a medical product is ready for regulatory submission or marketing, depending on the product’s regulatory classification. The manufacturing transfer phase typically follows, ensuring that high quality products can be made at sufficient product volumes.    Note: Industry uses “manufacturing transfer” and “transfer to production” interchangeably as you may…

Medtech IP legalese 101: What is a patent landscape review, what is a patent, what is freedom to operate?

All types of innovators need to carefully protect their intellectual property (IP) from those who may infringe on their ideas and products, and themselves from inadvertently infringing on others’. Medtech innovation is no exception and the landscape is rife with pitfalls. Smith, Gambrell and Russell’s Matthew Warenzak shares his insights on patent landscape reviews, patents…

Commercialization During the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons Learned in a 60 Minute Webcast.

The vast majority of novel ideas from academia never make it into clinical use. Together we can change that. Innovative medical technologies start with a great idea, novel science and an identified unmet clinical need. The process by which these technologies enter clinical care is as complicated as the science behind it. On October 7th,…

What is a 510(k)? Medtech regulatory expert Grace Powers answers some frequently asked questions about the common, but tricky, regulatory submission and clearance for new medical technologies.

A significant number of innovative medical technologies fall into FDA’s Class II classification, the vast majority of which require an FDA 510(k) submission. What exactly is a 510(k)? What types of products fall into the Class II, 510(k) category?   Grace Powers, principal consultant with Powers Regulatory Consulting, has 20 years of industry experience in…

What is verification and validation in medical product development?

Medical product design verification and validation activities (called “Phase 3” and “Phase 4” at GCMI) typically come after a design phase (called “Phase 2” at GCMI). At the completion of the design phase, a product will have well-defined design inputs, plus fully described design features and manufacturing methods. Design verification and validation then takes this…

GCMI Builds PPE Business in Six Weeks to Help Protect U.S. Healthcare Workers Battling COVID-19 – White Paper

GCMI helps medtech innovators, including physicians, academic researchers and professors, startups and large strategic companies, bring their products to market. Our work to successfully commercialize medtech innovation to date has been almost exclusively as a service provider.   When the need became apparent that we could play a significant role in getting desperately needed PPE…

More Healthcare Shortages Lead to Another Powerful Georgia Tech, GCMI Collaboration: Redefining Hand Sanitizer and Donating 7,000 Gallons to Fight Covid-19 via GT Research Horizons

Following closely on the heels of GCMI’s work with Georgia Tech and others to design, produce and deliver hundreds of thousands of PPE face shields to frontline health workers, Georgia Tech and GCMI have combined their resources to help solve another critical shortage in healthcare: hand sanitizer.    Alarmed to discover a looming shortage in…

What does the Project Planning process for medtech innovation look like?

Where does Medtech Project Planning fit in with Product Development and why is it important? Let’s review the basic steps for successful Project Planning.   What is Project Planning? Project planning, also referred to as “Phase 1” at GCMI, follows directly after the feasibility phase, “Phase Zero.”  Phase 1 is the beginning of the formal…