Hypepotamus reports launch of GCMI’s second medtech startup accelerator

GCMI recently announced the formation of a medtech startup accelerator with Rambam Health Care Campus in Israel. Thanks to Hypepotamus for its coverage detailing how the project expands GCMI’s effort to accelerate global medtech innovation in a capital efficient way, building upon our existing A1 Accelerator. The support of Atlanta – Israel Business Connector “Connex”…

Atlanta and Israel launch new medtech accelerator

GCMI and the Rambam Health Care Campus, the largest medical center in northern Israel, announce the establishment of a medical technologies accelerator for Israeli-based companies in Atlanta. The agreement, which calls for joint funding, will be formally announced on October 10th at Metro Atlanta Chamber. The accelerator intends to provide promising Israeli medtech startups a…

First Digital Health Startup Enters Global Center for Medical Innovation (GCMI) Accelerator Program

September 10, 2018 (Atlanta, GA) – The Global Center for Medical Innovation (GCMI) announces it has selected Ares Health Systems as the first digital health startup for its “A1” accelerator program. “We have a well-developed population health solution, but need the commercialization pathway experience and health system relationships GCMI can provide to further prove our…

Realtime verification of chemotherapy effectiveness project awarded $100k grant for commercialization

Boston University’s BOTLab receives $100,000 in endeavor to turn science into commercialized product from American Cancer Society and Global Center for Medical Innovation. Fulfilling its recent commitment to identify, develop, and promote technology innovation within the ACS portfolio of funded research, the American Cancer Society (ACS) and Global Center for Medical Innovation (GCMI) teams have…

Connect with GCMI at SPU 2018 to Learn How We Can Take Your Idea for an Innovative Urological Device from Concept to Commercialization

The Societies for Pediatric Urology (SPU) is a non-profit society whose main purpose is to promote pediatric urology, appropriate practice, education, and exchanges between practitioners. Every year, they host a Fall Congress that brings together practitioners and industry leaders to discuss the latest news and innovations in pediatric urology. This year, SPU’s Fall Congress will…