This year, GCMI is proud to be a supporting partner organization for the 2018 The MedTech Conference, powered by AdvaMed. GCMI CEO Tiffany Wilson and Executive Director of Business Strategy Andrew Stevenson will be attending on September 24-26 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The MedTech Conference is the leading gathering in North America of global medtech executives with regulatory, reimbursement, business development, legal, IP, marketing, quality, compliance, HR and other key responsibilities. Along with industry leaders, the international conference attracts business development professionals, investors, policy-makers, members of the media, legal experts, consultants, distributors, and other important stakeholders. More than 2,700 attendees will network, conduct business, gain access to capital and share insights. The conference also features world-class plenary speakers, networking, and business development opportunities. You can learn more about the topics, sessions and speakers that will be featured at The MedTech Conference by viewing the agenda.

You can register to attend The MedTech Conference by clicking here. Customers, partners and friends of GCMI will receive 10% off their registration with the discount code “SP018”.

Both Tiffany and Andrew are looking forward to attending The MedTech Conference to discuss product innovation, regulatory strategy, device development and marketing. More importantly, they hope to network with industry partners with the goal of providing an accelerator program with resources, guidance, facilities and a world-class accelerator team to help reach critical development and commercialization milestones.GCMI also hopes to learn new insights on how to better develop, test and commercialize innovative medical products that improve quality based outcomes and delivery of healthcare for patients from this event.

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To learn more about GCMI, our medtech accelerator, design & development capabilities or preclinical testing and bioskills training service lines, contact,, complete a form or visit our website

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