Connect with GCMI at the 2019 HIMSS Global Conference & Exhibition

Andrew Stevenson, GCMI Executive Director, will be attending the 2019 Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Global Conference & Exhibition on February 11–15 in Orlando to discuss GCMI’s “A1” accelerator program. Martin Entwistle, Ares Health Systems CEO, will also be accompanying Andrew to this conference. Ares Health Systems was the first digital health startup…

Commercializing Research to Reengineer Healthcare as We Know It

  GCMI’s 2018 year end review and 2019 look ahead Thanks to our staff, customers, sponsors and fellow industry, academic and philanthropic visionaries, GCMI has tangibly advanced our mission of accelerating the development, testing, training and commercialization of innovative medical products that improve quality based outcomes and delivery of healthcare for patients. 2018 Highlights Leading…

Supporting Women at MW@S Memphis

Medtech Women @ SEMDA branched out to Memphis on November 7th bringing the ecosystem together to discuss addressable gaps and tools needed to enhance opportunities for advancement among women in medtech. The industry was well represented across multiple segments, company sizes and types. We would like to thank Memphis Bioworks for hosting the event. Memphis…

Hypepotamus reports launch of GCMI’s second medtech startup accelerator

GCMI recently announced the formation of a medtech startup accelerator with Rambam Health Care Campus in Israel. Thanks to Hypepotamus for its coverage detailing how the project expands GCMI’s effort to accelerate global medtech innovation in a capital efficient way, building upon our existing A1 Accelerator. The support of Atlanta – Israel Business Connector “Connex”…

Atlanta and Israel launch new medtech accelerator

GCMI and the Rambam Health Care Campus, the largest medical center in northern Israel, announce the establishment of a medical technologies accelerator for Israeli-based companies in Atlanta. The agreement, which calls for joint funding, will be formally announced on October 10th at Metro Atlanta Chamber. The accelerator intends to provide promising Israeli medtech startups a…