Talking bioskills training and medical device development with Georgia’s top surgeons

  Connect with GCMI and T3 Labs at GSACS 2017! The Georgia Society of the American College of Surgeons (GSACS) promotes elevation in standards of surgical care. Each year, the society meets for an annual meeting aimed at further educating surgeons for the benefit of the healthcare system. GCMI and its subsidiary T3 Labs is…

Fostering Medical Innovation in the Clinical Setting: Piedmont Innovations & GCMI

Who better to address unmet clinical needs and life-changing improvements to medical devices of all types than clinicians themselves? Piedmont Healthcare and T3 Labs’ a subsidiary of  GCMI, embark on a journey to create a self-sustaining innovation enterprise: concept to commercialization. All I.J. was trying to do was celebrate a friend’s wedding at the beach.…

The importance of innovators working with third party design firms to get novel medical technologies to market

GCMI and T3 Labs CEO Tiffany Wilson shares insights with Assembly Magazine on what it takes to bring a medical device from concept to commercialization. Developing a new medical technology is not for the faint of heart. It is a daunting, expensive, arduous process, but nevertheless, it is highly rewarding. The developmental pathway is enough…

Improving patient outcomes through research and medtech innovation with confidence: Dr. Robert Matheny’s T3 narrative

Having a facility like T3 to test novel and breakthrough applications’ ability to save lives is crucial for battling diseases and disorders. Dr. Matheny and the original team of T3 recognized the need and saw to it that it was met. The change in landscape for innovators was born from desperation and a desire to…

Igniting medtech innovation: How GCMI assists university-based and physician innovators bring new products to market

  GCMI and T3 Labs CEO Tiffany Wilson shares medtech development pathway insights in Medical Product Outsourcing. Bringing a new medical device from concept to cure to commercialization is an intimidating, complex and expensive process which often stifles innovation instead of encouraging it. Yet there remains a tremendous need and viable markets for medtech innovation…

Influencing future innovators: T3 Labs speaks to the Georgia Tech Masters of Biomedical Innovation and Development class

The Masters of Biomedical Innovation and Development program (BioID program) is a collaborative academic experience in Biomedical technology and a hands-on clinical experience built upon the extraordinary resources and reputation of the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering: a joint department of the Georgia Tech College of Engineering and the Emory University School of Medicine.…

Navigating the medtech approval pathway: lessons learned from physician innovator Dr. Steven Goudy, MD.

Dr. Steven Goudy, MD, is an associate professor and Director of Pediatric Otolaryngology for the Emory School of Medicine. He recently took the time to sit down with our CEO Tiffany Wilson during a webinar highlighting how physician innovators should approach the medtech development and approval pathway to increase the odds of successfully completing the…

Can you really bootstrap a medtech company? The answer is yes.

Innovators seeking to enter the world of medtech face a daunting path from concept to commercialization. Design, engineering, prototyping and preclinical testing to prepare a single FDA regulatory submission are just a few examples of the many hurdles medtech innovators must successfully clear before event attempting to realize any revenue. For John O’Shaughnessy, Founder and…