HRS 2018 Insights: Read about future technologies and how T3 Labs can be your partner in emerging EP research.

As the leading annual electrophysiology event, HRS will always bring the latest advancements in pacing, ablation and mapping to the society’s annual meeting. The 2018 edition was no exception and included a few variations on atrial fibrillation (AF) ablations. Catheter Ablation vs/ Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy The big news from the show was the dissemination of…

Learning about the latest transcatheter cardiovascular innovation at TCT 2017 – Connect with T3 Labs booth #6001

Starting Sunday, October 29, industry leaders in transcatheter cardiovascular innovation will convene in Denver, Colorado for TCT 2017. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) is the world’s largest educational meeting specializing in interventional cardiovascular medicine. For over 25 years, TCT has been the center for transcatheter innovation and education. The goal? As always, to improve patient care.…

Improving patient outcomes through research and medtech innovation with confidence: Dr. Robert Matheny’s T3 narrative

Having a facility like T3 to test novel and breakthrough applications’ ability to save lives is crucial for battling diseases and disorders. Dr. Matheny and the original team of T3 recognized the need and saw to it that it was met. The change in landscape for innovators was born from desperation and a desire to…

Aortic & mitral valves galore plus bioresorbable scaffold results: T3 Labs’ insights from TCT 2016

The Cardiovascular Research Foundation’s annual TCT conference serves as the premier cardiovascular event of the year: delivering the latest clinical and preclinical updates on a wide spectrum of transcatheter therapies and the 2016 edition was no exception. In addition to catching up with existing and prospective sponsors and FDA regulators, here are a few of…

Meet us at TCT 2016

Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) is the world’s foremost educational meeting specializing in interventional cardiovascular medicine. This year, TCT 2016 will be hosted October 29th – November 2nd in Washington D.C. The transcatheter cardiovascular innovation space is ever evolving which makes this conference valuable to the T3 Labs team- but we are particularly excited about TCT…

Meeting the top needs in preclinical cardiology. Understanding the interaction of next generation bioresorbable platforms with underlying vascular tissue.

How T3 Labs helped Abbott Vascular, Dr. Bill Gogas, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, the core teams of Emory University lead by Dr. Habib Samady, and Georgia Tech lead by Dr. Hanjoong Jo, generate and utilize observations from a very long-term translational study toward the understanding of very late vasomotor responses and gene expression profiles in arteries…

Gearing up to network with cardiothoracic thought leaders in Barcelona at EACTS 2016!

The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) is holding their annual meeting from October 1-5 in Barcelona, Spain. T3 Labs was originally founded as a cardiovascular research institute, and boasts a decade long track-record in preclinical cardiovascular studies. “The facilities [at T3 Labs] are top tier. They are designed to make it easy to move…

From the back of the napkin through preclinical and commercialization for cardiology interventions

T3 Labs and GCMI always stand ready to help new medical devices and their innovators advance from ‘back of the napkin’ ideas often generated in clinical practice from concept to commercialization and eventually, to cure. Recently T3 Labs’ Deepal Panchal joined Health Connect South Radio Host CW Hall and Dr. Neil Weintraub, MD, Kupperman Eminent…