If you’re attending ORS 2023 and have a new orthopedic technology in development, including preclinical work that may be on your product development horizon, you have a wonderful chance to connect with our Director of Scientific Affairs Evan Goldberg onsite.


GCMI is the U.S. proving ground for global medical innovation. Our mission is to help direct the development, testing, training and commercialization of innovative medical products that improve quality based outcomes and delivery of healthcare for patients. In addition to our proven, phase-gated medtech design and development process, GCMI and our preclinical arm T3 Labs has substantial experience in preclinical work for orthopedics and a holistic view of medtech innovation and commercialization from bench to bedside. 


We provide what you need, when you need it with high levels of scientific acumen and product development pathways especially including preclinical proficiency.



We also know it’s more important than ever to get ahead of the game, planning as far out on the calendar as possible for preclinical work.


Get ahead of the game (or catch up if you need to) by emailing Evan – evan.goldberg@t3labs.org – to arrange a meeting at ORS 2023 now.